Older posts are listed on the links at the bottom of the blog and on the right hand side column. There are also links on the right hand side that will take you to separate pages that cover some of the issues we have experienced. We also note a few people and companies (very few, most we have used have been great) that have let us down. If you have queries, would like waypoints or details on a destination, feel free to send a message, (link at the bottom of the page) .

Monday, May 3, 2010

April 2007 - Easter in Gold Coast

Well I don't think Bluestone has had as quiet an Easter as this last one - she didn't even leave the marina. Poor skipper has had the worst bronchial infection finally succumbing to a doctor's visit and antibiotics.  Why is it men won't see the doctor until they are almost dead!  So we deserted Bluestone and drove (in our newest acquisition - the Magna) to Caloundra (about 2 hours north) to see Neil's parents for a couple of nights and see a bit more of this lovely coastline.  While there his Mum decided the best thing for Neil's bronchitis was a good dose (or lots of doses) of Senega and Ammonia!  For those who are unfamiliar with Senega and Ammonia - get some next time you have a chest infection and need to move things along!  By the time we got back to the boat every micro-bug in the skipper's system had left him!  Ha ha. Tastes good too - just ask him.  (Try sucking on ammonia soaked liquorice)  Well now it's back to work for the crew.  I have been with the Gold Coast Council - in the Gold Coast Water planning department for the past few weeks which is handy and will put some more coins in the 'sailing kitty'  Can't say it's enthralling or even work, but it's a job.

We have been touring a bit in the car recently and did a short trip to Brisbane CBD to check out the mooring facilities in the Brisbane River.  I think Sydney has cured us from CBD living - although the Brisbane River moorings are right next to the botanical gardens and very much on the edge of the city, we weren't impressed. The Brisbane River is the same colour as the Yarra River in Melbourne and the ferry traffic play havoc with the boats tied up!  We think the Gold Coast is much more interesting.  

This marina living is quite boring though, we just don't seem to do as much as when we are on anchor.  We also don't spend as much time outside on deck I suppose because we feel we are on display to all and sundry walking up the jetty.  As soon as the generator is fixed we are out of here.  Maybe then the tools can be stowed.  Tools breed and multiply when left unattended I'm sure!

Southport Yacht Club

Latest News Flash - The skipper has undergone laser eye surgery to correct his vision and hopefully do away with the thick glasses he has been wearing since childhood.  What an amazing thing it is - he was showing off and reading the bottom line of the eye chart the day after surgery.  Apparently his vision will settle down and become slightly less than 'amazing' and he will perhaps only have to wear reading glasses.  The thing that upsets me is that now he will be able to see my wrinkles - darn it!  (Didn't realise she had any!)

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