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Monday, May 3, 2010

March 2010 - Brisbane - Mooloolaba - Pearl Bay

After that bit of excitement we spent a pleasant day sailing to Mooloolaba where we 'holed up' to await the passing of the gale force winds forecast over the next week.  A second set of our immunisation injections were administered by a delightful young nurse at the local medical centre - thanks a lot - sore arms again.

Just as we were thinking it was time to move on Cyclone Ului decided to head towards the coast. - So WE decided to stay in Mooloolaba under the watchful eye of the neighbours. –

Mooloolaba anchorage

Navigation Notes:  When heading up from Brisbane we 'cut the corner' just after Salamander Bank, and headed outside the sandbanks, there was ample water but we may not do that were there a swell running, the electronic charts are excellent.  At Mooloolaba, a shallow but easy entry into the river however with a  beam on swell at entry.  When entering bay leave a fair offing, then come a full 90 deg to port when in line with entry groins, don't be tempted to cut the corner, there were surfers there when we came through but it looked calm from further out!  There are shallow parts after entry but in calm water so they are easily dealt with. High water seems to be about an hour later than the tide charts show.  We would suggest entering an hour or three before high water so as to carry one into the anchorage.  Follow marked channel, head past the coast guard station (leave to stb) and as you close the anchorage area move to port, enter the anchorage area via the eastern side, it shallows noticeably on the western side.  Good holding mud. Water and Fuel at Lawries (now renamed) Marina. Night entry easy.

There are a few yachts anchored here that we notice are registered for Sail Indonesia Rally.  One from USA and another from UK.  The migration North has begun.

By the time Ului had run his course we are well and truly over Mooloolaba and at 0730 hours on 28th March we said farewell and made a heading for Great Keppel Island.  Now we decided to stay outside of Fraser Island on our journey as this will save some time.  However, if someone had warned us that the swell all the way along Fraser Island was as nasty as it was, we may have taken the inside passage via Great Sandy Strait.  We pitched and rolled and rocked and bobbed about for around 40 hours before the seas calmed enough for us to be comfortable and not have to sleep on the floor of the saloon!  During this time ‘Otto’ our auto pilot (get it? Otto Pilot) also decided to take a break on the crew’s watch which meant she actually had to work a bit and hand steer for a while.  That’s sailing for you.  Thankfully Otto is functional again – just a glitch we hope.  It may also be interesting for you to know that we sail around 11km/h land speed so it’s really like jogging to Darwin around the coast.  So you see, sailing/cruising is not ALL champagne and caviar on a sun-drenched beach, catching fish and relaxing in the hammock – only sometimes.

So, where's my champagne?

56 hours after departing Mooloolaba we arrive at Great Keppel Island which is a bit of a dream achieved for the skipper.  He has been planning of sailing his own yacht up to the Great Barrier Reef for most of his life and here we are ………

A dream realised
Two nights at Great Keppel and we up anchor and move on to Pearl Bay (on the mainland) for a night.  A top little bay, great beach walks.

Navigation Notes:  56 hours to GKI outside Fraser Island.  Fairly roly for first 36 hrs.  The worst area was the top third off Fraser, we seemed to have swell, wind and waves from all points, sleep was impossible. Improved once past Fraser Island and started to come behind the reef. Through to GKI no problems, quite sheltered. Roly anchorage on northern side of GKI (Leeke's Beach) as there was a swell up from the east - moved to western bay - bit better but not perfect.  Electronic charts excellent. Good holding sand, but we understand there may be areas of reef or rock. Night entry to either bay would be fine but just anchor off a bit and then relocate during the day, the same could be said for Long Beach on the southern side should there be a northerly.  S23degs10.10 E150degs57.10 (Leekes) S23degs11.20 E150degs55.93 (Fisherman's)

Oh I have to tell you about the skipper’s Irukandji bites!  While sailing to Great Keppel we trail a fishing line in the hope that something might commit suicide on the hook.  Being the great fisherpersons we are, we forget that it’s out there and if something is on the line by the time we haul it in the poor fish is looking very bedraggled.  However, this time there was no catch but we did forget about the line being out and while anchoring it got wound around the prop.   Uh oh, we have to get the Hooker Diving unit out and the skipper as tired as he was, dived down to untangle the mess.  After a while he surfaces and says he has been bitten by something (he is convinced it is Irukandji) and is covered in small red dots!  Arghh!  Thankfully, enough time elapses to ensure that it is NOT Irukandji and perhaps something like sea lice which can be very annoying.  I am happy to say a swift recovery was made but of course the skipper’s version is much worse and involves Irukandji  :)

Navigation Notes Pearl Bay: Lovely bay entered between rocky islets.  Live firing range - check NTMs but the coast guard issue the warnings regularly on VHF.  The entry between the first island and the mainland is fine, lots of water.  Good holding could get roly if anything from the north blows up.  Can hook into southern end of bay but shallows rapidly.  Shallow reef runs off southern point of island, easily avoided.   Night entry would be OK but we would suggest going around the 3 small islands (South Hervey Islands) and entering from the north, then head straight to the beach and relocate during the day. S22degs26.70 E150degs43.00

 Pretty Pearl Bay

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