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Monday, May 3, 2010

January/February 2007 Broken Bay to Pt Stephens

We are currently sitting in Broken Bay - the Hawkesbury is an exceptional haven - to wait for yet another weather window to make for Lake Macquarie.  That's the plan, but then I know what happens to our plans. There are worse places to be for a week or two than Broken Bay and we will enjoy the promised summer weather before getting back to the business of 'sailing'.

Broken Bay to Pt Stephens 
We have left Broken Bay - yippee - we are out of there!  A forecast southerly prompted hopeful smiles from the skipper and we left Broken Bay on a very dull, drizzly day with limited visibility (here is a chance to use the newly connected radar).  Well, around mid afternoon the skipper could take no more MOTORING and decided to pop into Newcastle harbour overnight.  What happens to these southerlies?   Never mind we spent a very enjoyable night alongside the new Honeysuckle Corporation jetty and bumped into 'Footloose II' again, before heading out again early the next morning.  Again, a very light breeze and following all attempts to unfurl every bit of sail we possess - or it felt like it anyway - the skipper headed into Port Stephens. 

Approaching Pt Stephens

We have spent a very enjoyable couple of weeks here and after having a good look around and socialising with new friends on ‘Belly Dancer’ and ‘Joubert’ including Tonka the Burmese cat - who apparently got her sea legs a lot quicker than her mum, we have decided to leave and see how far we get this time.  I suppose if we have perfect weather all the time then we wouldn't we able to see lovely ports such as Port Stephens.  I even had a chance to get into the water with some dolphins who were absolutely, totally uninterested in swimming anywhere near me.  Oh well, nice place to swim anyway.

Pt Stephens sunset

It was also nice to meet the crew of ‘Boomerang II’ again and have a cuppa with them.  They are also heading north to berth their ketch and fly home for a couple of months.  That's the beauty of this cruising life, the chance to meet up with people again and catch up on their adventures.  Oh well, we plan on departing tomorrow for ports northerly.  We plan on not stopping before Bums Bay.  Yeah, right! The forecast is Mid North Coastal Waters, Wooli to Seal Rocks and 60nm seawards:  Sunday: Wind: E/SE 10/15 knots. Sea: to 1 metre. Swell: E/SE 1 to 1.5 metres. Monday Outlook: Wind: SE 15/20 knots. Tuesday Outlook: Wind: SE 10/20 knots.  Which means North East at 15, or Southerly at 5.  Skipper is very sceptical.

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